jeudi 10 novembre 2011

Retour des fluff gasms

Puisque j'ai décidé que mon projet de PI sera d'écrire un gigantesque fluff constitué de plusieurs plus petits morceaux orchestrés autour d'une grande histoire.

Pour l'instant, j'en suis surtout à compiler des informations, des concepts et à faire de la recherche.

Jusqu'à présent, j'ai dans l'intention de parler principalement du chaos en relation directe avec les humains. Ainsi, j'ai l'intention de montrer l'histoire d'un forge ou hive world, d'écrire un fluff pour chaque dieu, peut-être un autre pour un chaos cult.

J'ai déjà une bien bonne idée (selon moi) pour l'histoire de Nurgle. En effet, selon mes recherches, l'émotion-source de nurgle n'est pas en tant que tel la mort, mais plutôt son déni, son rejet. J'ai donc l'intention de décrire l'histoire d'un homme qui fait un pacte tacite avec nurgle pour sauver sa famille ou quelque chose du genre.

Enfin, ceci est mon premier post. J'espère bien avoir un beau suivi et des commentaires, cela devrait m'aider à me motiver et à fournir un travail de bonne qualité.

jeudi 5 mai 2011

The corruption of The Flesh Tearers

Tariel put himself up painfully and looked at the runic hexcage he installed in his summoning room. It had been a long time since he had trouble summoning a single bloodletter, but maybe this time he went too far.

A bellow of endless fury answered his silenced fear. Reality broke apart as Skarbrand, breaker of a billion bones and once favoured bloodthirster of Khorne, brutally entered the room in an explosion of boiling blood that splattered all over the vast ceiling. Immediately, animated of a murderous instinct, he turned to face Tariel.

For a moment, their eyes locked and Tariel, feeling the impossible hunger for carnage of his opponent, felt his face whitening in fear. The first time he felt a bloodletter thirst for blood, he had been shocked in the same kind of way. But this, this monstrosity had spilled a thousand oceans of blood and was not an iota sated.
Through these eyes of eternal hatred, he saw the only cohesive thought in the abomination’s mind, the only memory it had and the very single thing he felt; a rage so unreal that it made Skarbrand’s own impossible fury seem meek. The rage of the Blood God himself and, for a moment, Tariel felt Khorne’s fingers choking him with a titanic brutality.

It only lasted for a split-second, but Khorne’s ire burnt its way throught the eldar’s subtle layers of psyche and, for Tariel’s complex soul, it seemed an eternity.

As Skarbrand charged, the archon hoped for a moment that his hexcage would hold, but with a deafening crack, the immaterial chains bonding the creature exploded in a ray of light without even slowing the bloodthirster. Something in Tariel broke at that moment or maybe unleashed.

Tariel did not even flinch. He stood real high;

There was no fear left in his soul;

No thought to call his bloodbrides bodyguards on the other side of the door a few steps away from him;

Not even the thought of unsheating his agonizer;

The only thing left in his soul was an all-consuming rage that mirrored Khorne’s own fury.

As the towering mass of muscle and pain to come was barely a few steps from him, Tariel gathered his might and hurled all his fury to the pathetic creature that dared oppose him.

The might of the psychic attack hit Skarbrand with the strength of a thunderbolt and stopped his rampaging charge. Tariel knees failed him and he came crashing on the ground, his body screaming in distress as a presence in the warp reacted to his presence.

All that Tariel could feel was a strong, all-consuming, musk that made his very soul numb in an unbearable pain. There was also a voice... a laughter that seemed to rejoice as it stabbed his mind with a billion shards of ecstasy. Every second lasted ages in a delightful agony as he felt his soul eaten away by the nemesis of the eldar race, She Who Thirsts, Slaanesh the Dark Prince.

An impossibly loud growl made itself head, going stronger by the moment. Skarbrand’s head suddenly turned to the circle of summoning as he recognized the voice. Turning back to his prey, he bellowed his endless rage to the feeble eldar as he rose up his mighty axe forged upon the fury of 5 Bloodthirsters in a pathetically useless attempt to kill the archon in a single throw before it happened.

The loud growl culminated and erupted in a world-shaking roar. A gigantic hand of dripping blood emerged from the glowing runes of endless psychic power. The Hand of Khorne reached out from the warp, took grasp of Skarbrand, Betrayer to the Throne of Skulls, and crushed his physical form to dust in one unholy movement.

Tariel’s soul was set aflame, ripped off of Slaanesh’s grasp in its final moments of existence, his body basking in the absolute rage of a timeless will as it was made alive again. His mind roaring in pain as it was forced back into life.

When the archon regained consciousness, he did not think about how lucky he was to have escaped She Who Thirts or how in pain he was. The only thoughts left in his soul was the smell of blood and the need to kill, to feel bones break under his weapons and flesh be rip apart by his blows.

He did not notice the unholy symbol burned into his very flesh, the mark of The Lord of Skulls.

He keeled and drank from the huge pool of blood left by The Hand.

It tasted good.

vendredi 4 mars 2011

L''arrivée de la commande!!!

Alors voilà, les efforts et le gossage du dernier mois à essayer d'assembler une commande aussi monstrueuse ont finalement portés leurs fruits. J'essaierai d'en amener le plus possible à l'école pour vous le donner jeudi (ou avant si vous le voulez). Attention, je ne pourrai sûrement pas tout amener en un jeudi.

Un point négatif ; un des mournful knights n'a pas été envoyé, de même que mon chaos black primer spray. Il y aura remboursement évidemment.

Alors reçu ;
Anthony ; regal blue
Mathieu ; Floi, loremaster of loria; skull white
Gabriel ; Bleached bone; Chaos black; Red gore; Snot green; Regal blue
Charles ; Orc boar chariot; 2 night goblin fanatics; Night goblin regiment; Orc shaman; Warhammer giant
Sébastian ; Land raider
Kevin ; Warhammer giant
Étienne; Termagant brood; Genestealer brood; Hormagaunt brood
Gabriel (moi-même) ; 2 dark eldar wych; shining gold; badab black
Guillaume ; Skaven battalion; skaven army book (français); Warp lightning cannon; Plague monks; Grey seer
Gabriel Gervais (l'ami de max) ; Empire steamtank; 4 mournful knights dont un héro, un musicien et un porteur de bannière
Maxime ; Green stuff; Plague monks; Stormvermin; Warhammer giant; Doom-Flayer

Pour un grand total de 766,83$ (en incluant les frais de livraison). Pas fort les gars, prochaine fois il faut dépasser le cap de 1000$

Pour ceux qui l'ont remarqué, IL Y A 3 géants dans la commande. Mon instinct me dit que la taille des engagements risquent d'augmenter.

PS : Han, as-tu assemblé le battle report de 40k pour qu'on puisse le mettre sur le blog?

mardi 1 février 2011

WIP Empire

Salut groupe,

ça faisait longtemps que j'avais pas fait d'update alors j'ai pensé vous partager ce que j'ai fait pendant les vacances de Noël.

5 Knights with great weapons

10 Crossbowmen

1 Great Canon

1 Helstorm (Helblaster)

Pas mal en deux semaines de vacance, non?

J'ai aussi terminé cette semaine 9 Sisters of Battle, 1 Assassin Sniper, 8 Corsair de Lotr!

Je suis maintenant en production de 6 Pistoliers de l'Empire et de 2 héros de LotR.

Je me motive à terminer le plus de figurine possible afin de pouvoir m'acheter plein de trucs de Warhammer Forge!!

Et en plus, il y a Dead Space2, Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 2, Killzone 3,..... trop de fun! Pas assez de temps!!!!

Lord G.

mercredi 26 janvier 2011

Tariel's dark secret

The small dark room darkened even more. The candles lit everywhere on the walls diminished greatly and a cold, unnatural wind played with Tariel’s hair for an impossible instant. The blood-filled symbols of timeless power carved all upon the ground started to glow a dim red.

Tariel noticed this and continued to utter his unholy invocation. His words were those of pure madness and chaos, their only existence madly impossible and their substance a foul insult to sanity. With each passing second the room twisted evermore, but Tariel cared not. This was his blood right; one his family possessed for eons, but that was only rediscovered by his father, archon Ysclyth.

A thick red mist slowly started climbing from the ground along with a loud roar of endless fury, both of them growing quite rapidly. A single drop of sweat came crashing along the ground from Tariel’s forehead.

The incantations continued and Tariel’s hands started shaking uncontrollably as the psychic effort asked of his mind grew ever higher.

The sigils of power were now filling the room with an unreal light made of raw bloodlust, strengthening the creature slowly taking form in the middle of them.
As he finished the last sentence, his knees failed him; he fell on his hands, extenuated. Yet, his deed was not yet accomplished.

He smelled the stench of blood long before the bloodletter finally took speech. Hissing, he uttered, as if words of mere mortals were unusual to him :

-Why did you call me, prey of She Who Thirsts?

Tariel allowed himself a small smile and thought for a moment of that planet that he planned of assaulting in the next few days. Many factions wanted to claim this planet’s resources, but with a daemonic host at his command in addition to his kabal, none could stay his wrath. He had much work to do.

-Now that you mention it, blood-thing...